May 9, 2013

Night at the stadium

Delusional. Either I have forgotten that I still have a blog or the fun of writing and sharing things through and through were slowly fading, or even too much things to be told that I always ended up telling nothing. Sigh. Sigh  all the way.

Country that I lived in now has been bombarded with the issue of democratic, politics, racism such and such. I have never been too eager in getting myself involved in political issue before. I do know and getting present with all the updates but not having the thoughts and feel to join in with all the campaign. But the recent news that I heard, read and saw had giving me the urge to just move and contributing something to the society and country. What wrong is wrong and we never have this 'right' to 'judge'. But as for me, the way I am looking at the situation now is what is there for you to get through with what you are standing for and the one that you are giving your support to. We might just be one of the trillions supporters behind the scene people, but each and every one of us counts. You never know what you are capable of.

And I am not againts those who are having different thoughts from me. Not personally.

And having to be participated in the rally was just another amazing experience I supposed. Getting inside the stadium and look around. I saw people getting excited never stop honking with the honk they have, I saw few boys with cant-describe-how-weird-the face-mask they put on. I saw family who brings along printed scarves, banners, and huge flags. I saw oldies who have been help by few boys to walk along the way and be seated  I saw different races hugging each other smiling to the camera. I saw love and passion heated all over for the same purpose. Each and every corner of the stadium is being filled, including the big board that people even climb, stand and seated on it. I even saw humanity in each and every person. And at that point I just wonder of how it will be like if we were about to be gathered in Padang Mahsyar later waiting for our turn to be called.

Are we that ready? Am I?

I guess in the end its not about what colour of shirt are you wearing who rules the country which parliament.

Its about you.