July 6, 2012

Security kills

I learned that sometimes as you go through life and see different things upon your eyes, you will found something more strange and bizarre than it has been. To know that grow up people seems to be no different than you, to know that someone you've known for so long might act like someone you've never imagined before, to know that you need to have a concrete and solid reasons for what you stand for or else people won't just give a single damn about it. Its strange. As well as a blessed.

I learned that different path I took might seems too complicated for some human being. I learned that I live in a world where good grades determines your level of intelligence, your respect and story from society towards you. In a world where you must get this, this and this kind of grade in a certain subject to achieve your dream job unless you will just die pathetically. In a world that where we need to fight among alter ego and friends for your university applications or else you won't just have at least one spot for yourself and cried historically. In a world where being one of the scholars was like the most fortunate things that could have ever happened for we will have safe place to strive hard and get highest pointers to not be having to pay the loan thus, safe spot for your job and career in the future. And waking up everyday doing the same routine every hour, getting paid getting raised, got smashed from colleague here and there and the drama went well.

That seems 'secure'. 

But hey, I am living in a 'insecure' world. If that sounds better. 
